Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2 years later

I think its almost 2 years since i posted my last posting.
Since i am transfered back to Kuala Lmpur in Feb2011 i dont really have free time.

At first i plan to make another move to oversea but due to some family matters, i think i should settle in Malaysia for the moment...may be forever. I bought my new car Peugeot 407 and also a naked bike Suzuki Bandits 1250 in April 2011. Alhamdulillah.

My new job is pretty challenging, lot of stress but so far i am contained all he stress and managed it reasonably well.

My kids now growth in numbers.. Got the 4th kid in Sept.2012  and the 5th kid in Jan 2013. May Allah bless them always.
Living dangerously

Melihat dan Membaca situasi yang berlaku disekitar kita, menjadikan kita begitu kerdil.
Betapa kita sebenarnya hidup dibawah perlindungan Allah yang maha kuasa.

Kes kes jenayah berat yang berlaku, hampir setiap hari. Hari ini berita pembantu rumah menyembelih dua orang anak majikan !
Anak kecil tiada dosa. Kita inilah yang berdosa.Lalu di uji.
